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Check, Is Your AC Unit Leaking?

Leaking Air conditioner – Triple-T
A leaking air conditioner can be a major inconvenience, potentially causing water damage and reducing the efficiency of your system. Understanding why your AC unit might be leaking and how to address it can help you maintain a comfortable and safe home. Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, and Electrical provides expert guidance on dealing with AC leaks.

How and Why Water Forms in Your Air Conditioner

Air conditioners work by removing heat and humidity from the air inside your home. The process involves the following steps:

  • Evaporation Warm air from your home is drawn over the evaporator coils inside the AC unit. The refrigerant inside the coils absorbs heat from the air, causing the refrigerant to evaporate and cool the air.
  • Condensation As the warm air passes over the cold evaporator coils, moisture in the air condenses on the coil, forming water droplets. This is similar to how condensation forms on a cold glass of water on a hot day.
  • Drainage The condensed water droplets collect in a drip pan and are channelled outside through a drain line.

When everything is working properly, the water drains away without causing any issues. However, various factors can lead to water leaking from your AC unit.

7 Common Causes of a Leaking Air Conditioner

  1. Clogged Drain Line The most common cause of an AC leak is a clogged drain line. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in the drain line, causing a blockage. When this happens, the water backs up and overflows the drip pan.
  2. No Condensate Trap –  A Condensate Trap catches debris and stops airflow from hindering your condensate to be removed from the drain. Condensate Traps are required on some installations to prevent this. However, many times they are missed by the installation company. Have a technician check to insure that you have the proper installation, placement, and sizing of a condensate trap.
  3. Dirty Air Filter A dirty air filter restricts airflow, causing the evaporator coil to freeze. When the ice melts, it can lead to excess water that the drip pain can’t handle, resulting in a leak.
  4. Low Refrigerant Levels – Low refrigerant levels can also cause the evaporator coils to freeze. As with a dirty air filter, the melting ice can lead to water overflow and leaks.
  5. Damaged or Rusty Drain Pan – Over time, the drain pan can become damaged, cracked, or rusty, leading to water leakage. If the pan can’t hold water effectively, it will overflow.
  6. Improper Installation – An improperly installed AC unit may not have a correctly positioned drain line or drip pan, leading to water leaks. This is why professional installation by a trusted provider like Triple T is important.
  7. Blocked Condensation Line – In some air conditioning systems, a condensation pump is used to pump out the water. If the pump is malfunctioning or blocked, it can cause water to back up and leak.
  8. Excessive Humidity – During periods of high humidity, your AC unit may produce more condensation than usual. If the system is not equipped to handle the extra moisture, it can lead to leaks.

How to Stop Your AC from Leaking Water

Addressing an AC leak promptly can prevent further damage and maintain the efficiency of your system. Here are some steps you can take to stop your AC from leaking water:

  1. Check and Clean the Drain Line – Locate the drain line and inspect it for blockages. Use a wet/dry vacuum to remove any debris or a plumber’s snake to clear the line. Regular maintenance can help prevent clogs.
  2. Replace or Clean the Air Filter – Check your air filter and replace it if it’s dirty. Regularly changing the air filter helps to maintain proper airflow and prevents the evaporator coil from freezing.
  3. Inspect Refrigerant Levels – If you suspect low refrigerant levels, contact a professional technician to inspect and recharge your system. Low refrigerant is often a sign that a leak needs to be addressed.
  4. Examine the Drain Pan – Check the drain pan for cracks, rust, or other damage. If you find any issues, replace the pan to prevent leaks.
  5. Ensure Proper Installation – If your AC unit was recently installed and is leaking, have an inspection by a professional to verify that it was installed correctly. Improper installation can lead to ongoing issues.
  6. Test the Condensate Pump – If your system uses a condensate pump, test it to make sure it’s working correctly. If it’s blocked or malfunctioning, clean or replace the pump as needed.
  7. Manage Humidity Levels – Use a dehumidifier during periods of high humidity to reduce the moisture in the air. This can help reduce the amount of condensation your AC unit produces.


Maintaining your AC unit is essential for preventing leaks and keeping your home comfortable. Triple T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, and Electrical is here to help with all of your HVAC needs, offering reliable and professional services to keep your system in top shape. By following the tips we’ve provided and reaching out to our experienced team, you can maintain a comfortable and leak-free home environment.

Get in Touch

Serving Utah since 1974, Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, and Electrical is your go-to for home comfort. Our licensed and insured technicians provide expert service for AC tune-ups, heater repairs, and more. Recognized by the Daily Herald Reader’s Choice Best of Plumbing and HVAC award, we prioritize customer satisfaction. As a family-owned business, we’re deeply involved in our community, supporting various charitable projects. Call us today for reliable, high-quality service and learn why we’re trusted by so many families and businesses in Utah and Washington counties.

For more information about our products and services, or to schedule a service appointment, contact us via our website or call 801-804-5697. We look forward to serving you!