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Utah County’s Leading Sump Pump Service Experts

Technician Checking Sump Pit in Utah

Keeping your sump pump in top shape is essential to protecting your home from water damage. Regular maintenance ensures it functions without any issues. At Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical, we provide expert sump pump service in Utah County and Washington County, UT helping homeowners keep their systems in peak condition. From cleaning the pump and checking discharge lines to testing backup systems, following simple maintenance steps can extend the life of your sump pump and boost its performance. Our team is here to share practical tips that make maintaining your sump pump straightforward and effective.

What is a Sump Pump?

A sump pump is installed in a basement or crawl space to protect your home from water damage. It sits in a specially designed pit and activates when water levels rise, directing excess water away from your home’s foundation. This prevents flooding, mold growth, and structural damage caused by moisture. Sump pumps are especially valuable in heavy rain or high groundwater levels. By keeping your basement dry, a sump pump helps safeguard your home’s foundation and preserves the integrity of your property.

Our Sump Pump Maintenance Tips

Regular sump pump maintenance helps ensure your system operates perfectly, even during the most demanding situations. You can keep your sump pump running efficiently and prevent unexpected issues by following simple tips. Maintenance not only extends the life of your system but also helps protect your property from water damage. Use the following steps to better care for your sump pump. If anything seems off, professional sump pump repair is the safest option. Knowing how to fix a sump pump starts with keeping it in great shape. Below are a few important sump pump maintenance tips:

  • Test the Pump Regularly—Pour a bucket of water into the pit to ensure the pump activates and drains properly. Regular testing ensures the pump is ready during heavy rains or potential flooding.
  • Clean the Sump Pump and the Pit—Remove debris from the sump pit and clean the pump intake screen to ensure proper function. A clear sump pit allows water to flow freely, reducing strain on the pump.
  • Inspect the Power Source – Check that the sump pump is securely plugged in and connected to a reliable power source. An uninterrupted power supply ensures the pump functions when needed.
  • Examine the Discharge Line – Verify that the discharge line is clear of obstructions and directs water away from your foundation. A properly functioning discharge line prevents water backups and damage.
  • Check the Float Switch – Make sure the float moves freely, allowing the pump to turn on and off as needed. A faulty float switch can prevent your sump pump from activating in emergencies.

Protect Your Home – Contact Us Today

Don’t wait until flooding becomes a problem. Protect your home with expert care from Triple-T Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical. Our experienced team provides dependable sump pump repair and maintenance services to keep your property safe. With decades of trusted service in Utah County and Washington County, UT, we are ready to assist you. Contact us now to schedule your appointment and ensure your home stays dry and secure year-round.