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The summer season is heating up, and now is the perfect time to make sure that your air conditioning system is in great working condition. If…
The summer season has arrived, and hotter days mean that many homeowners will be relying on their AC systems to keep their homes cool and…
The right air conditioner will not only keep you and your family comfortable, but it will also save you money over the long run compared to an air…
Old air conditioners often struggle to keep up with higher temperatures, which can result in high energy bills and uncomfortable days indoors.…
In any modern society, hot water isn’t a luxury; it’s a requirement. Unfortunately, the water heater is the largest energy consumer in the…
When it’s 98 degrees outside and it doesn’t feel much cooler inside your home, it’s normal for your heart to sink in your chest. Air…
Summer is on its way, and lots of people are making their summer vacation plans. The kids will be out of school, the highway will beckon, and we’ll…
Even though you probably worry more about your heater than your air conditioning system, summers in St. George can be just as uncomfortable as…
Though your furnace has performed well all winter long, you won’t have much use for it once temperatures climb over 100 degrees. To ensure that…
A functional furnace is an essential part of the modern home. A broken furnace won’t just make your home uncomfortable—it can also increase…